Today's students face a multitude of stressors that can derail their health in a hurry. Knowing how to manage everything can feel like one more task for their to-do list. But with a few key tips, finding balance is possible.  

Read on to learn more about the ten best healthy habits for students!

1. Eat a Nutritious Diet

Healthy habits start with healthy meals loaded with vitamins and minerals. Students rely on food for energy and focus, so nutrient dense meals are key. Turning to super foods like avocados, yogurt, and salmon can make eating more effective and enjoyable. 

Healthy eating doesn't have to be a chore, either. Roasting vegetables in olive oil, for instance, imparts a rich flavor while adding healthy antioxidants. Egg sandwiches on whole wheat bread or lentil soups are meals bursting with flavor and nutritional value.

Some students may find it useful to meet with a registered dietician to understand what a balanced diet looks like. And any opportunity to get a student interested in activities like gardening or cooking can help!

2. Exercise

Not every student wants to participate in organized sports. But every student needs to find time to be active. Regular exercise can help students manage their weight and set the tone for a healthier adulthood.

Exercise can burn off energy when students are looking for stress relief, too. Exercise doesn't have to translate to hitting the gym for weight lifting or training for a marathon. Going for a walk each day can be an excellent way to get in better shape. 

3. Get Plenty of Sleep

Students have a knack for finding ways to stay up late. But one of the best habits they can develop is the ability to keep a regular bedtime schedule. Ideally, students should be getting at least seven hours of sleep each night.

Dimming the lights, enjoying a warm decaffeinated beverage, or using a noise machine can help create the right atmosphere for sleep. And even though sleeping in on weekends is tempting, it's better for the body to stick to a sleep schedule. 

4. Drink Enough Water

Did you know that people should be drinking anywhere from 9 to 13 cups of water each day? The amount will vary based on one's size, but in general, diligent water consumption is the key to staying hydrated.

Drinking water can help students avoid dry, irritated skin. It also can help with alertness, which is critical in the classroom. Drinking enough water can help students feel full so they're less likely to munch on unhealthy snacks.

5. Set Goals

For students to have purpose and drive, they need to have goals. Otherwise, it's too easy to flounder aimlessly and lose direction in the classroom.

Goal setting can involve both short-term and long-term goals. For instance, maybe a student wants to improve their grade in a class and eventually get into a selective college. Maybe they want to learn how to play the cello or improve their sign language skills.

Students should write down their goals. They should revisit them, too, and refine them as needed. 

6. Work on Time Management

Yes, eating healthy meals and getting enough sleep provide a foundation for students to be healthy. But to make the most of each day, it helps to have a schedule.

That's where time management comes into play. Using an app or notebook, students can map out each week. Doing this can ensure they're accomplishing what they want or need to do.

Students can learn to prioritize tasks, like doing homework or studying for a quiz. They can block in time for recurring activities, like club meetings or exercise routines. And they can make steady progress toward their goals as a result. 

7. Maintain a Consistent Social Calendar

While too much socializing can be distracting, not enough can be isolating. Students benefit from regular social interactions beyond the classroom. 

Students can do this through involvement in sports teams, musical ensembles, or acting groups. Simply going to dinner or a movie with a few friends can be another great outlet. 

8. Learn How to Cope with Stress

Any student will encounter stressful moments. They might be struggling with a particular class or feel pressure to make the varsity team.

In any scenario, knowing how to deal with stress can help avoid creating a situation that spirals out of control. Students can try deep breathing exercises or even use an app with ambient sounds to practice mindfulness. Sometimes simply going for a walk can help even the most stressed student clear their head.

9. Minimize Screen Time

Students love looking at their phones. But they'll lead healthier, more fulfilling lives if they ease up on the screen time.

Too much phone time can distract from time management. It also can derail goals and even foster negative feelings. Students might feel anxious about a social media post or get sucked into mean-spirited online debates.

It pays to take a break and even schedule time away from their phone. They might enjoy simply observing and experiencing the world around them!

10. Practice Self-Care

Finally, students should make sure to put their mental health first. When school starts to feel stressful, it may be time to carve out time specifically for a fun activity. Self-care is all about listening to one's needs. 

Students can go to the park and kick around a soccer ball. They can play catch with their dog. Or they can try a new activity, like yoga

The key is to find an activity that's relaxing or stimulating, depending on a person's preference. In some instances, self-care may mean stepping back from social situations. In other cases, it may mean being around people to reconnect. 

Follow These Healthy Habits for Students

Healthy habits for students include eating healthy meals, exercising, and staying social. Students also need to learn how to manage stress and ask for help when they feel overwhelmed. Finding time for self-care and shutting off technology can help, as well. 

Are you ready to get started on the path to a healthier you? 

Call (586)566-5005 to schedule your free consultation and find out how Dr. Nicole can help you detox your body, reset your taste buds, and be a healthier you!

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